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Case Study:

COVID-19 Outreach Campaign

Client: Virginia Department of Health

A marketing and outreach campaign to promote Covid-19 vaccination among highly targeted demographics in the State of Virginia.

The Need

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Virginia had been running multiple awareness campaigns to promote vaccinations among its citizens. However, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) identified a need to specifically target underserved segments of the population, including healthcare providers, people with disabilities, law enforcement, and the homeless.

The objectives of this campaign were to raise awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 among targeted demographics in the State of Virginia and to encourage more people in these groups to get vaccinated against Covid-19, to protect both, individuals, and the community at large.

The Solution

VDH awarded a contract to Identika to provide marketing, advertising, and outreach for these target audiences. Our team worked on the fast-track implementation of a three-month campaign to raise awareness and encourage Covid-19 vaccination for law enforcement, homeless, and people with disabilities. The project also included the implementation of marketing strategies to support the development of marketing and outreach materials to support healthcare providers in Virginia.

Identika accomplished the following:

  • Created over 115 pieces of marketing and outreach creative that were disseminated in social media and among the target audiences.
  • Developed a Law Enforcement Marketing Toolkit, comprising of videos, marketing materials, email drip sequences, and more for dissemination among the law enforcement community (police, campus police fire departments, and more).
  • Supported the healthcare community with marketing materials for virtual town halls and webinars, some of which featured the State Vaccination Coordinator, as well as Dr. Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States.
  • Provided campaign branding, marketing, and consultation to VDH, including outreach and development of marketing materials, development of multiple slide decks for Tele Townhall meetings and special webinars.
  • Produced dozens of videos featuring interviews, in English and Spanish, with teenagers and law enforcement officers who got their Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Produced a PSA video featuring the work of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) in Virginia.
  • Produced digital animated videos to educate audiences about Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Therapy.
  • Designed dozens of fact sheets, flyers, and infographics to educate about Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Therapy, vaccination records information, outreach events, and more.
  • Placed ads on social media, promoting virtual seminars and outreach events.
Throughout the contract, you met the deliverables to our satisfaction
Maria Reppas
Director of Communications


  • 155+ pieces of creative
  • 30+ videos produced
  • 34 outreach vaccination events
  • 820+ people vaccinated against Covid-19.

Sample Creative Work